Ten Signs You Need More Sabbath In Your Life
1. You wake up on Monday morning, already tired before the work week has begun.
2. When someone asks you how you are, you say, "Good - busy!" like it's all one word.
3. You actively fantasize about a short hospital stay (nothing serious, of course), or about holing up in a hotel room alone where nobody can find you.
4. You're a caregiver for needy little children or elderly family members, or you're in charge of a bunch of people at work. (Bonus reason: You're the default parent.)
5. You nod your head along with this quote from the book Blue Mind by Wallace J. Nichols:
6. You have a love-hate relationship with your phone, full as it is of texts, work emails, carpool schedules, and Instagram photos of people doing fun and amazing things.
7. Oprah says you do:
8. You don't think you have time to rest:
9. You're human.
10. You're still reading Reclaiming Sunday Supper even though you hate to cook.